Principal's Message

CS Sandesha Shetty(I/C Principal)

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change,”

-Charles Darwin British

COVID-19 has brought about a whole set of challenges in every possible realm and the field of education is no exception to this. The crisis is accompanied with radical changes and uncertainties with no sure timeline to end. But our experience and wisdom guide us that we have to embrace the change as there is no escape route to this crisis. Therefore, the practical mantra is when we cannot change the situation, better change ourselves to the situation for our survival, growth and excellence. The crux of the matter is we have to change our perceptions, thought process, feelings or emotions, action tendencies and finally actions or behavior.

Education is not only a tool of acquiring information and degrees but extensively stretching beyond it. It is the training of body, mind and soul together. Schools and colleges are the places wherein the mental, intellectual, emotional, social and cultural traits of crores and crores of students will be unleashed, nurtured and groomed. In the last one year students were deprived of a significant part of their educational outcome. Online teaching and other education related activities are not a perfect substitute to classroom teaching. Any education without a human touch is incomplete and side effects and potential hazards of such a model are huge.

However, policymakers, institutions and for that matter all stakeholders of the education system have shown resilience and demonstrated agility to take the students’ causes to a certain level of logical end. Navigating students and parents through anxiety and stress is really an uphill task. But we have navigated our students through timely and appropriate actions. The teaching fraternity has instilled hope and confidence in every student.

I thank our benevolent and considerate management, vice-Principals, coordinators, teaching fraternity, non-teaching staff and students and parents for working as a cohesive team during the turbulent times. We strive hard to create a path of hope and confidence to our students.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”

-Winston Churchill